Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?

I read the story in Six Moons about the original Playstation 1 being an excellent CD player. Has anyone actually tried doing this? Bob
I tried the player also. It was very rolled-off in the highs and it was not transparent at all. The one thing it does quite well is image placement within a soundstage. I think my Toshiba 3990 slaughters it. I wonder whether a few mods to the analog section would open up this player? I would pay someone to do these if they have been successful. Bob

Which specific Playstation model did you purchase?


I have never heard a Denon 3910, but a friend of mine who had the Electrocompaniet CD player (retails for about $5700) with the acclaimed Anagram DAC, likes his Playstation 1 Model SCPH-1001 more in terms of overall musicity. The Electrocompaniet has the detail, transparency and frequency extension of a high end CD player, but he says the Playstation conveys the emotion of the music better. He paid $10 for his PS1 at a Game Stop game store. For the little one has to shell out for this, it's worth a try.
To Spareribs:

I have the SCPH 5501. I did not know there was another model. This one has a multi-output jack on the back that accepts a cable with three RCA connectors on the end (two for audio and one for video). It does not have separate audio output jacks, which seems to be the one people are talking about.

If anyone wants this thing let me know.
I must say that I had a shocking experience with the Playstation 1 yesterday. I bought a pair of the Stealth Indra interconnects for my system. I used the interconnects with Toshiba 3990 and the changes were very subtle. My two year old daughter grabbed the Playstation off the shelf where it had been sitting for some time wanting to play with it. I decided to try it again with the Stealth interconnects. I was shocked that it sounded great. The lack of transparency and the overly rolled off nature that I experienced before were gone. It is very musical and that was right off the shelf after sitting for at least a month. I can't wait to listen again to it today. The moral of the story is that these things are very interconnect sesitive. I think that it sounds at least as good as the $9300 Oracle 2.5 CD player that I auditioned. Bob

You owe your daughter a Playstation! That's wonderful that you discovered how good this little game console can be for CD playback. For improved sound, try a good shielded power cord with an IEC C7 female connector on the component end like the PS Audio XStream Power Punch cable, the Cardas Twinlink or the Furutech G-320Ag-18F8 C7 cable. The Furutech cable will need to be tested and marked for polarity. Jeff Day of Six Moons uses the Furutech power cable. We both agree that a good shielded power cable can have a tremendous positive effect on sound quality with the Playstation (improved dynamic range, better PRaT, more detail). I have had great success with the PS Audio cable, and I am sure that the Cardas cable is very good too.

I would also suggest using vibration isolation or resonance control feet like Isonodes or cones/spikes. I actually use three low cost 3M Bumpon hemispherical polyurethane feet, and the botton end became punchier and much better defined. These are similar to Isonodes with very good dampening properties. Many guys like to recase their Playstations, but the stock ABS plastic case with steel subchassis is extremely rigid. The feet will elevate the chassis more to allow for better cooling of the power supply area. Please share your audition notes as your Playstation is allowed to stay powered on continuously a few more days.