Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?

I read the story in Six Moons about the original Playstation 1 being an excellent CD player. Has anyone actually tried doing this? Bob
So am I the only one with tracking problems? I've had 3 units (still have 2 of them) and have problems in the areas of:

won't play a disc at all, and

will "hang up" for a few seconds every 5 or 10 minutes.
agree 100% with kbuzz--there's definitely an engaging "analogue" quality to the ps1. philistine that i am, i could not get past its quirks (stupid looks, long load time, annoying controller), but for shear listenability, it really does outdo many pricy players, which have greater detail but less natural presentation.
My PS1 CDP has thinner inch long brass footers and I believe they helped since my PS1 vibrates a lot to me. I just don't remember what my results were before the brass footers were installed. I too agree with KBuzz's sonic views on the PS1.
Tostadosunidos-the tracking issue has been widely reported on other forums regarding eh ps1. I have had to go through two or three myself to get one that works. There are some alleged fixes posted on the www but ive never tried em myself.

As a temporary measure while you look for a new one sub 30 bucks, try and turn it vertically ...sometimes that works.

yes the tracking is a bitch and reveals the toyful aspect of this thing. But as stated above, this toy sounds good and the old comments on this thing are quite spot on.

im glad the wave of publicity is over, you can get a chance to score another one for peanuts.
Forgot to add. Anyone know where you can get a cheap 2-5 inch monitor with one rca jack to use as a "display" for this thing. I see all sorts of rear view car type displays but its not clear how they are powered or if the accept the single rca video out from the ps1...

given the costs of mini lcds there has to be one out there.....