Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY?

Happy New Year All,

Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY? (around $1,000. usd used)

6 dacs, 3 left/3 right

sends SACD’s DSD out RCA jacks without conversion to PCM.

Upscales CD’s 8x to SACD #s, then out RCA

spinner traverses over fixed dual laser: one cd, one sacd

2010 model: typically 10-12 years old, I see laser assemblies for sale, indicates

a. people want to keep em going.

b. laser problematic

thanks for advice as always,





Right now I'm enjoying the heck out of a DG CD of a Mozart's Requiem I just fished out of my collection. DG, Herbie the K at the controls. A bit hashy when everyone is yelling and screaming, but considering its curriculum vitae, it's sounding mighty good. Performance, of course, is an unmitigated treat.

Keep going back to my Sony fb940r amp- OK not high end but still surprises me with sound and build quality- fed up of supposedly better modern stuff (especially Denon and Pioneer) letting me down

"Not just a CD, a better CD"

I came across a Sony Insert when SACD/DSD was introduced.

Direct Stream Digital (DSD): 1 bit, 2,822,400 samples per second. Dynamic range of CD 96db is extended to 120 db.

"Even the SACD’s 16 bit CD layer can sound better if it’s based on a Direct Stream Digital studio master. The Super Bit Mapping Direct process can be used to downconvert to the 16 bit CD format, which enables you to hear more of the original master."



I really like how analog the Schiit Gungnir Multibit A2 dac sounds using a Sony DVP-NS999ES as a cd transport.

Sound quality is DIRECTLY comparable to a Thorens TD125 MkII with Shure V15 IV/Jico HE; a Sony PS-X75 with various Audio Technica beryllium styli/carts; a Sony TCK-777 cassette deck, and streaming using HD and Ultra HD files from Amazon Unlimited thru an HP audio-centric I7 laptop over Google Fiber. Every one of these is great on there own and can sound as good or better than any of the others in my system depending on the recorded quality of the media / production ect.

I did quite a bit of research on the XA5400ES, XA9000Es, and some of the older ES players as cd transports, and decided to try the DVP999ES/Gungnir combo for the same price as a used XA5400ES. The Schiit dac takes the already excellent Sony DVP to another level. I hear their Yggdrasil dac is a solid upgrade over this one and competes with 5-10k dacs for just 1000 dollars more than the Gungnir (which I have no desire to change right now).

 I’ve never heard an XA5400ES before, but I can wholeheartedly recommend trying a Schiit Gungnir or Yggdrasil dac when (if) the upgrade bug bites you.