Amplifier for Sonus Faber Cremona M

Hi Everyone,
Heard the Sonus Faber Cremona M's today and really liked them. Compared them to the lower cost Sonus Faber Luito, same priced Martin Logan Montis, and the more expensive B&W 802's. I preferred the Cremona M's to all of them. Great speaker to look at and listen to. Wondering what your thoughts are?
Also, looking for an amp to drive them. Was thinking of the McIntosh 6900 integrated amp w/tuner card. Is this amp good enough for the Cremona's? Any other recommendations in the 7-10K price range tube or solid state?
Thanks guys
You heard the speakers, liked how they sounded and also when compared to ML and B&W, liked their looks...

so what was driving them?
I'm using a Pass INT-150 with Cremona M's and it works great. I would think a 6900 would work well also.