Cable curmudgeon

I'm not an 'audiophile" but I like to think I have a good ear having been a professional musician (principal wind player in major symphony orchestras) for 50 years. A number of years ago going into an excellent audio equipment store I talked with, what seemed, a knowledgeable salesman.  Being a musician experienced in audio systems but not expert on all the equipment out there I had some questions concerning high (over-priced?) end cables. The salesman assured there was an audible differencet in a demo room switching back and forth etc.  After a few minutes I noticed the sound coming out of only one channel.  He complemented me on my "good ear."  Hmmm? A few years later when setting up my home system I investigated speaker cables. Two sets of Monster, stranded standard cable, solid core copper (used for alarm system) attached with like connecters. There was a difference.  However, not in terms of better or worse: bass and treble were acceptable as was clarity loud and soft.  Differences were esthetic- like asking "whose the best tenor" (I like Plácido).  Now I know as a musician used to live (i.e. un-amplified) music that all I hear coming out of a loud speaker is perforce ersatz.  But most everything today comes out of a loud speaker whether a rock concert or a hi-fi system so perhaps my opinion is curmudgeonly. But, for me, spending oodles of money on hyped cables, well... I  liked the solid core for my alarm system- still do.



Anything at all for their war effort... for the ill thought out and anti-intelligence, anti-thinking, anti-invention and anti-’upward, forward’ crew.

They’ll do anything to press their opinions and incapacitates upon all others, out of FOMO on the capacities scale of human skill sets and intellect. I just warned y’all about this in another thread. They just don’t understand and they will commit to anything, anything at all (in the repetitive insistent intrinsically blind fondling of their own egos), to make their thoughts into your reality.

No choice, really, as one’s capacity to discern and think, imagine, extrapolate, etc... and thus hear... threatens their future - threatens it...simply via existing.

                       Where's 'The Ministry Of Truth' when you need it?


Thank you so much for your observation.  Your only intention seemed to be to put down @exflute  for having ears that can perform well in a top orchestra but you allege does not perceive differences in the sound of cables that you allege (without any objective testing) to be able to perceive.


Thank you for your rational, cool, post which which I fully agree.  I doubt Soix would agree with much of it so that makes you 'clueless' if you care what Soix thinks.


Thank you for your rational question.  The chief difference in my two posts you read is that one is a negative commentary on a music genre, which is a passive, non living person, and the other is a defence of an individual who was unnecessarily attack for holding an opinion and, as a top musician, may be sensitive.  Passive objects suffer no discomfort from such attacks, although those who identify with such an object might get their feelings hurt a bit if they suffer from under-confidence.  Whereas individuals can suffer damage.  The former are therefore fair game whereas the latter are worthy of respect and understanding.

I should be happy to post a photo of my system here if someone will tell me how to do it.  But many here something of it from my other posts.

Unusual elements are:

No streaming or similar.

CD and SACD players but rarely used.

Electrostatics speakers since 1978.  Currently Martin Logan CLS Anniversaries

Simon Yorke S10 and Aeroaarm, the latter a very rare rig, air bearing, less than 10 customer units, the most effective air bearing arm ever designed.  Awesome.

Five or six high end low output moving coils

van den Hul The Grail SE.

Other amps are Audio Research.

Cabling is mostly Siltech.

I don't tweak much and don't spend money on passive components, save the room which has been purpose built.

            What persuaded me to audition Big Silver Oval speaker cables:


@bruce19 -

Personally I am open to persuasion on the issue but am leaning to being skeptical for the following reasons, A.) cables get much less attention on the pro side whether it is the recording studio or the electric musician.

     OK then (just a for-instance):


Absolutely not, and that does not need to be said. From what I can see, you appear to be trying to put thoughts and words in my mouth, that I am not thinking or saying.

The idea is to use truth, integrity, discussion, and argument to get to the bottom of things.

This requires the various parties involved to be living in a form of integrity and connectivity to the problems under discussion, in a way that shows their capacities to understand the fundamentals of the question AND to act in full and proper relatable integrity to the entire complex situation.

What we have, is a beleaguered group of people who do desire to act this way. to do things with integrity...., regarding this complex scenario.

This group is being attacked relentlessly, by a non stop blind and blinkered and immoral attack, in a way that is designed to use the systems integrity - to destroy the system and the people in it...

Envisage a person strapped via duct tape with crying babies as armour, and a pair of magnums, one in each hand...all while screaming "save the babies!", as he blows holes in anyone who disagrees with him.... (all of current western politics is now seemingly built of out this exact psychological gaming scenario)

It’s rigged, an engineered game of psychology and it’s silent weaponization...and has nothing to do with proper behavior or integrity.