Cable curmudgeon

I'm not an 'audiophile" but I like to think I have a good ear having been a professional musician (principal wind player in major symphony orchestras) for 50 years. A number of years ago going into an excellent audio equipment store I talked with, what seemed, a knowledgeable salesman.  Being a musician experienced in audio systems but not expert on all the equipment out there I had some questions concerning high (over-priced?) end cables. The salesman assured there was an audible differencet in a demo room switching back and forth etc.  After a few minutes I noticed the sound coming out of only one channel.  He complemented me on my "good ear."  Hmmm? A few years later when setting up my home system I investigated speaker cables. Two sets of Monster, stranded standard cable, solid core copper (used for alarm system) attached with like connecters. There was a difference.  However, not in terms of better or worse: bass and treble were acceptable as was clarity loud and soft.  Differences were esthetic- like asking "whose the best tenor" (I like Plácido).  Now I know as a musician used to live (i.e. un-amplified) music that all I hear coming out of a loud speaker is perforce ersatz.  But most everything today comes out of a loud speaker whether a rock concert or a hi-fi system so perhaps my opinion is curmudgeonly. But, for me, spending oodles of money on hyped cables, well... I  liked the solid core for my alarm system- still do.



The poster listened to two sets of not very good cables and didn't find much difference. That's hardly surprising.

The experience of being a musician is not necessarily very beneficial in judging differences in sound reproduction - though it has many other benefits in terms of the appreciation of music.

The former is the reason we have recording engineers.

@bruce19 -

B.) I am not aware of cables being overly significant in other mission critical electronics such as in the medical field or aeronautics or telecommunications. There is a justification in all of these areas for a well built, properly specked wire, but none of the hocus pocus that only seems prevalent among us audio hobbyists. 

      Just another for-instance (click on, "Letter From NASA"):





bruce19: +1. Your post came in while I was writing mine; I wouldn't have bothered had I read yours first.

bruce is the Boss!

Long time ago Sterophile used to interview musicians about their audio systems. Some examples, John Lee Hooker with a Technics midi, Charlie Haden with Linn and Naim, John Lurie with entry Luxman integrated, Yamaha CD changer, double cassette deck and B&W entry bookshelf speakers.

Completely different approaches and involvement so being a musician does not automatically support the will for a better system.

I believe all the above have good experience with live sound.