DAC and CD Transport Question

This has always confused me...

If you have a good outboard DAC does the CD Player matter?

If I buy lets say a Benchmark DAC1, will the sound be different if I use and old NAD cd player compared to buying a Rega Apollo, or an even more expensive player for that matter?

Sorry the beginner question, thanks in advance!
gmood1 is correct. I've used an oppo 871 as a transport as well as others, but pc sounds better by a long shot. Use a mac, just about anyone will do (the one I am listening to at the moment is a 7 yr old imac dedicated to my system. The scuttlebut is that you'll have to spend upwards to 10k to better one. If you really need a transport, the $20 cyberhome dvd player beat the pants off of the oppo with a stereovox dig cable...
I recently acquired a Benchmark DAC1, which has a circuit that makes it immune to jitter. Even so, I can hear a small difference when I use my Alesis Masterlink versus Sony 999ES as a transport. Although the Masterlink uses a cheap computer-type CD drive, it actually sounds better with some recordings than the much more-expensive Sony transport. I have no idea what is the source of this difference. It can't be jitter. By the way, the Benchmark DAC1 is the best digital source I've ever heard playing through a Modwright tube preamp.
Excuse me for interupting but...
This is along the same line and has been hinted at .
I understand synergy and was wondering if it applies to transports and DAC's . In other words , does my choice of a dedicated transport dictate what DAC's to consider using with it ?
Thank you .