What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
I and my audio buddy were very disappointed with the sound in the Behold room which sounded like hifi and not like music at all. We left the room after a few minutes shaking our head in disbelieve that such expensive electronics can sound so mediocre.
No doubt the setup was poor. I heard the Memory player at a friends place and was very impressed!
I wasn't at the NY show but Enjoy The Music show report has the beehold room as best sound of the show and the memory player as the best CD he's ever heard.

"Finally we come to the "Best Sound of the Show" as far as this reviewer is concerned. George Bischoff along with several others, has developed a line of Line Array Speakers call Scaena. In addition, if that were not enough, he has also developed the best sounding CD player I've ever heard, the Nova Physics Disc Player (Read: Memory Player). He's taken CD playback through a computer to high end audio standards. It consists of a high end DVD-Rom drive which downloads the disc directly to the computers very fast RAM rather than the hard drive. Using the best parts and silver wire, he claims extremely low jitter. For $11,000 one gets a transport with hard drive and I believe 2GB of memory. The unit was digitally driving a BEHOLD 300 watt amplifier into his Scaena speakers. Sound was superb, rivaling the best analog I've heard. One can also get a unit with built-in D/A conversion for somewhat more.

Didn't have time to ask him about its ability to do HD-DVD or Dolby and DTS decoding, and even pleading on my hands and knees and using references from close friends of both of us, I couldn't get him to give me one for review purposes. Guess my name isn't up in the stratosphere of audio reviewers. He did suggest that there are reviewers out there who have paid up front for a unit for review purposes but I can't afford the entrance fee at this time. Oh Well!!"

Here's the link:
Hey Scott, here is the scoop on the Memory Player and I am sure you can get one for review, they are just right now rare as hens teeth!

Audio Doctor, as a displaying dealer got one in our showroom which was brought to the show by George himself.

All Memory Players are hand assembled by George. The proprietary software is undergoing copyright protection and until Nova Physics is completely legally protected they are very leary to have others assemble them.

So soon they will be able to mass produce them. I am in agreement with Bill Gaw as to the power of the Memory Player, we were able to directly compare Memory reading to direct optical playback and the difference was mind blowing!

The Memory Player is analog without the ticks and pops in a digital format! The quality of emotional connection along with the sound staging and naturalness of the sound makes the Memory Player a revolutionary movement in digital evolution.
I'm very interested in hearing impressions of the Memory Player too,
as long as this thread doesn't dissapear like the last one did.
Hi Audiooracle, as per my post above my last one, I should be receiving one as early as next week. I am not a reviewer, this is a personal purchase. They started building it last week. Just one point of correction in what you said, it's not George that is building them, it's Rod and Mark, George's partnrs.

I can't wait to get it. Let's hope it's as good as everyone says it is. Time will tell.
