lewm: More than a year ago I emailed that information, please look for. Btw, the signal in the design unit was designed it pass through only one resistor in each attenuator.
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- 64 posts total
@rauliruegas , I can not disagree. I am taking a risk with the Channel D unit but then I hardly ever get a chance to audition units before I buy them. I do my research and cross my fingers. Rob Robinson is a very bright engineer who is totally bonkers over vinyl. His construction methods are right up to date and you can use his units with digital RIAA correction which again theoretically has its benefits, theoretically. We shall see. If it does not I'll sell it and move on. I have this acre of land right in the middle of Central park:-) |
@ledoux1238 Thanks! I did not know he had reviewed it. @rauliruegas check out ledoux's link. I know you are into SMD and ultra accurate RIAA circuits. |
Dear @mijostyn : Thank's. That only confirm why several top ranked SS designs manufactres/designers are using from some years now thwe SMD. It's not only Channel D but Boulder, CH, and many others. To many real quality advantages to let pass.
Today I think that the only advantage of true hole devices is that any gentleman/audiophile/reviewer or whatever when open that SS design at least can see and read inside the circuit boards which devices ( vishat, caddok, bourns, panasonic, tdk, kemet, xicon, etc. ) are using the manufacturers and the cirduit boards looks really good with. In change with SMD you have not so easy that information.
Anyway thank's again. R. |
- 64 posts total