Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


Yes, the Commons was very important to early Americans

It was the social media of the day. Keep in mind though that vehement disagreement on the village green back then could lead to the occasional duel.

Just checked back into this thread to see if jerryg123 ever surfaced again (the only reason I checked back in on this thread!).  Hope jerry is recovering!  

@mahgister ....It's all in how one follows up on the vid post...

If I tag it here, no subs just quiet frenzies....
Go to YT, subs....

Mystery solved.. *S*

(Same URL, however...🤷‍♂️...sneaky plot, perhaps...*L* )

The Commons.....not so much so of late, other than complaint or compliance...

@ghasley ...but what's old is still quite alive, unless you're in the line of fire. 
I can appreciate that there's lots of tech and wire between some spats that flame up here.  There'd been a thought floated about AG Zoom (or pick your means) meet-ups, but...

If any had or are having such, it might answer why some posters aren't about lately.
Since getting to actually see whom you've vented your spleen at previously, the psychic shock may drive one mute in many obscure ways... ;)

@sns.."Every man for himself and god against all.." 

Rankles one to consider how quickly civility can fail, tolerating the wretched news that never seems to either...and the daily trudge seems to gain weight of it's own.

Still beats the alt., but it'd be nice to see things turn about on a civilization level, as in All of us instead the Some...and clean up our collective nest...

There is no Holiday Inn on Mars, and a one-way ticket is all we all have, even at home.... 😔


Back to tubes for a second.

We shouldn't be buying Russian tubes at any price after the revenues have been used to kill Ukrainian civilians in war crimes.


I hope we can all agree.