What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
Thanks for your response. I have a couple of questions regrding you post starting with what is GUI? Could you elaborate on the rest of your system that you used with the Memory player? What are the better transports have you used which pale in contrast to the Memory player. Lastly, what dac or dacs did you use with the Memory Player? Bob
A GUI is a Graphic User Interface ie the connected part of man and machine, ie Windows any version and of course the MAC!

In the case of the Memory Player designed by propeller heads for propeller heads.

In our showroom we are running the Memory Player into an Audio Aero Prestige which is in itself is a remarkable cd player.

With the Prestige's built in DAC we can switch between built in optical and external Memory drives. In every way the Memory Player bests the optical reader.

If you stop and think about the built in optical player should have no jitter as it is a direct read from the laser to the DAC vs, a long external digital cable and connection jacks, but the superiority of the Memory Player is huge and is a different world of realism and involvement.
FYI, I haven't received my memory player yet, it has been delayed until next week or possibly the week after. Reason for the delay is a switch they want to make to a cabinet given some reported issues with the current touch screen.
I'm glad that they are being proactive about this.
I totally understand why the Reed Solomon reducing software, the hard-drive based transport, the flash memory, etc would produce a theoretically cleaner signal path. What I don't understand, at all, is the price! Why would these average-to-good build quality Memory players cost $10K.....even if the unique software value is worth $2-3k, the rest of the product is $2k at best (assuming 100% margins).

How do the dealers (audiooracle, etc.) out there create a value prop that holds up? I'd be interested to know. This hi-end cd market is fairly saturated and fairly soft. And the Memory Player has a garage-like website. It all adds up to an entry point that should be well under $10k....way under. No offense, cuz I'm excited to hear one...sounds like a great idea.