I am interested in learning more about the Memory Player, but am having trouble finding info/navagating Nova Physic's website.
-Can custom playlists be made from stored music?
-Will the stored music be "network" accessible...can you play music in various zones (wirelessly?), from the MP's hard drive (as with Sonos, Olive, Slim Devices, etc.?)
-What about larger hard drive storage options?...I presently have over 700 cd's and would want my entire music collection to be RUR "ripped" and stored.
...and what about backing up the RUR data to an axternal hard drive?
-Do they have a dealer network or offer an in-home trial?
-From what info I could find, it seems that there is a transport only version (for use w/external DAC) and a full-blown player with internal tube DAC. What are most current owners using...if transport only, what DAC are you using?
If anyone has more insight, please share what you know. Thanks.
Scottr, can't wait to read your impressions/opinions!