All New Yamaha NS-2000A Loudspeakers Are On The Market


I owned a pair if Yamaha NS1000M's back in the late 70's. Ok sound but nothing spectacular.  Speakers like these come and go continuously from companies like Yamaha. I would stick with Vandersteen.  IMO.

@mrdecibel  yeah I was biting my tongue when I wrote that.  IMO you have not heard the Vandersteen speakers until you hard them on my equipment.  That is when I heard what they were meant to sound like.


Happy Listening.

I love my NS-5000's.  They plumb the depths of bass and are real classics with "breeding" and offer incredible value and technology.  They do take up more room than tower speakers so unless you've got a really large living room, they can tend to dominate.  That's the only tradeoff, buying a bigger house!

J'approuve leur beauté physique!


Specs say 34 Hz-65 kHz (-10 dB).  Not very meaningful.  I mean -10dB??? 

Probably does not reflect in-room bass response.