Back to tubes for a second.
We shouldn't be buying Russian tubes at any price after the revenues have been used to kill Ukrainian civilians in war crimes.
I hope we can all agree.
@clearthinker - Yep, I can certainly agree with you on that, if not much else! 😀 |
....although it was mentioned in an elsewhere that the major tube factory is owned by an American, supplies the bulk of the various brands.... To the average Petrovic and Maya in Russia our econowarfare takes a toll on them, not so much the government. 'They' have the means to carry on despite shortages, businesses closing doesn't effect the 'well-enabled'... Enough politik, would be great if there was a niche tube outlet here in the can curse about US businesses that shut down and went to China or elsewhere, but unsure if there's anyone to fill that demand.... Good luckk, stiff upper lip, all that, J |