What difference do power cables make?

I’m considering a purchase (about $1000) that will include a power distribution box and a couple of very good cables to service my power amp and subwoofer..

For those who have upgraded power cables, how you would describe the sound quality difference in your system?

Do you feel that it was worth the additional investment?

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The GT0 has what is needed to operate at todays values with comfort. Motor control is A fabulous combination of vintage + enriched attitude. A Fast recreational hobby if you will… I drive and am intrigued with German daily rides. There Certainly is sound and electronic controls in those vehicles. A Very speedy treat as well I might add. So now that we filled in a few inquisitive gaps let’s move on to Audio, really the point being here…I’m sure we agree.


FWIW I bought the components for my power cables and built my own. It was a great project. I used Furutech parts and built 10 garage for my conditioner and the amps. 14 gauge for all other components. I ordered sleeving from Amazon. I already had shrink tubing from some earlier projects. They look very professional and I could hear an improvement over the stock provided cables.