@audioman58 , that seems to be the downfall of many speakers. The xover will get a scrimp, unless the driver(s) demand better. Which is my thinking on going with a digital one, and running a separate pair of channels to each pair of whatever...
I can dial in what it either came with, recommend for, and massage from that.
@2psyop , that could well be the case, but I'd expect that level of driver in that application. My diy Walsh mate well with my Heil amts' which sail above and beyond the Walsh could only hope for.
I believe there's a limit to what one should expect from a single driver and whatever acoustically sensitive the cabinet may be for it. Even with a whizzer cone or 3...
One should keep in mind the whole concept of the Walsh driver concept by drilling about for the patent behind it. The original F's were as close as one could expect given the era, materials and adhesives available...and nobody seems to really know what exactly was the 'mystery gook' within the cones....🙄
That, and voice coil heat. The cones have a limit as to when the radial radiation is transitioning to pistonic motion....which is likely the midrange issue that some noticed at the time. And your trying to 'ring' the cone, not shove it about.
It's fun to play with.... ;)
@mapman ...*L* That's everyones' problem of late....where's what I need when I need it when it's stuck in customs/backordered/NA of late/etc.
Trampsta, "Come out and play" @ YT
Don't widescreen if acrophobic or motion 'disturbed' (BYOBag)....;)