Cable recommandations


Im interested in a recommendation on speaker cables new or used. My budget is is 1500. Here is what I have:

Don Sachs preamp, Don Sachs amp, Tekton Double Impacts, Mytek Brooklyn DAC II+. Bluesound Node, DIY silver speaker cable, DIY interconnects and power cord. Shuguang black treasure tubes on amp and preamp, Brimar rectifier.






So you think that your DIY speaker cables - and IC’s - are somehow inferior to a boutique name brand? And you feel compelled to spend $1500? The TRUTH is that your DIY silver cables are most likely indistinguishable from any of these highly touted cables here on Agon! I advise you to save your money and stick with what you have. I speak from experience. I bought my first high end system in 1977. Right around the time Noel Lee started Monster Cable. I consider him a charlatan, along with all the other cable manufacturers. The Emperor’s New Clothes is the applicable paradigm that applies here! The whole audiophile cable business is based upon pseudo science and false claims! If you gave me your DIY silver cables I would happily use them and not feel I was missing "something"!


Confirmation bias plus a high price tag is a sure path for those in the cable business to take advantage of the gullible and easily persuaded! The shiny new toy always gives greater pleasure than the old toy! 

Since I left behind my Mogami 2477 OFC coax speaker cable when I moved down South 7 years ago I had to replace it. A friend in NY had a 50 ft piece of Q Audio Time Stream speaker cable. This is a Canadian company. I paid him $50 and had it shipped to me. I cut it into four 12.5 ft pieces, added banana plugs and this is what I have been using with my various speakers. I am happy and have no need/urge to upgrade/splurge on some other costly audiophile brand!