For a difficult, small room with limited passive treatments, you might want look at any (or all) of:
1) Tunable bass, either Vandersteen Quattro/5/7 style or via separate subwoofers.
2) Controlled dispersion (horns or similar)
3) Digital room correction (Audyssey type for full range or Meridien/ARC/Velodyne for bass only)
IME, all of the above will allow you to minimize the damage inflicted by a small, modestly treated room.
1) Tunable bass, either Vandersteen Quattro/5/7 style or via separate subwoofers.
2) Controlled dispersion (horns or similar)
3) Digital room correction (Audyssey type for full range or Meridien/ARC/Velodyne for bass only)
IME, all of the above will allow you to minimize the damage inflicted by a small, modestly treated room.