What Speakers are you running with your Gryphon Amp?

I have a Gryphon Diablo 300 with the DAC module, B&W 803 D2 speakers, and am looking to upgrade my speakers. I recently uplifted my system with Nordost Valhalla 2 speaker cables, an Innuos Phoenix USB reclocker for my Innuos Zenith Mk 3 streamer, an Audioquest Dragon high current cord for my amp. With these updates my system levelled up - way, WAY more than I ever expected. I can’t get over the relaxed, effortless detail I’m getting now. Also thinking of adding a Niagara 5000 with a Dragon power cord as well.

However, I’ve now tested four top-tier speakers with the Diablo 300 / DAC module, and I have not enjoyed the sound of ANY of them anywhere near as much as I enjoy my system at home now, with my B&W 803 D2’s. The speakers I’ve tested, with my cords and speaker cables, are:

  • Magico A5 (slightly nasal tone on male voices, lack of bass energy, but they only had 250 hours on them and I’ve heard they need 500 for bass to show up and breakin to be complete). Someone on another thread claimed Magico doesn’t sound good with Nordost Valhalla; not sure if that’s true.
  • Audiovector Arrete R6: nice speaker, a bit to much emphasis on very low tangible bass, but the room was very small. Not a bad speaker at all but didn’t fall in love with it. My system at home offers a very "ribbon-like" experience with quick, light, effortless detail, that I didn’t quite get here. Also, the speaker was too tippy to have when I have my sister's toddler (and soon to be another) over visiting and causing chaos.
  • B&W 801 D4: Constrained, tight mid and upper ranges. Sounded terrible. Room was small and insanely damped though with treatment. Salesman said one of his colleague’s thought the Diablo 300 might be a bit lightweight for the 801’s.
  • B&W 802 D3: I auditioned my Gryphon with these a while back. I didn’t love them. Thought they weren’t musically engaging, and had a bit of that constrained quality I got from the 801 D4’s. Also lacked bass I thought.
  • Sonus Faber Amati: Sounded slightly enjoyable. Didn’t send me running to turn the volume down. But found a lack of energy and engagement, bass was very present but somehow too polite at the same time.

None of these speakers have come close to anything I could live with, however they did have some impressive qualities. I’ve half a mind to give up since I love my current system so much with the recent upgrades. But, I still feel like I could get even more detail, air, and imaging with a speaker upgrade, but I’d just love to get that while still keeping that effortless detail and naturalness I’m enjoying at home now.

Gryphon owners - what speakers have you had success with? I keep hearing that Rockports are "natural" and might consider travelling to a dealer that has both them and Gryphon in-house, since I have none close to me. Or maybe I need to consider ribbon speakers?


I find it curious that you find your B&W 803 D2 speakers your satisfying, but two B&W speakers that would be expected to be upgrades.  It sounds like you've tested all of the listed speakers with your Amp/Dac and cables, so either the room is the difference or the Amp isn't a good match with the other speakers.

It sounds like it's time to enjoy your system but I doubt that is gonna happen. Stop and enjoy it.

Has the next logical upgrade to the 802 D2 not occurred to you ?

I own that speaker, bypassed the 803. I can’t comment on the Gryphon.

One problem that remains with the 802 is in my space throughout  my system

changes it seems to perform best at a somewhat limited volume range of almost

loud to loud.   It’s possible that many speakers perform best at a particular setting.  

Could also be my room.

But my big issue was high frequency harshness which I solved when I moved from

a solid state preamp, Boulder 810 to BAT Rex the sound stage just opened up so

nicely with lots more subtle air banishing any vestige of harshness I was induring

with the Boulder. But that’s not your problem.

I was able to keep the Boulder mono block 850s in, 200 watts apiece. Later I

upgraded to the Innuos Statement server and Rossini Dac and that just continued

the improvements.  I think the Rex rolls of the very highest frequencies but I could

still hear many of the new digital refinements and added soundstage dimensions.  

Those things seemed very complimentary. 

 Never owned Gryphon but have heard them with Rockports, probably with the

Diablo.  That system didn’t suffer from the high frequency strain I had on my

Boulder pre but it was nowhere near as open and engaging as my system with the

Rex pre.  That system seemed constrained but then that room seemed over large.


You might try putting in a very nice tube preamp, if the Diablo has amp inputs and

see what that does for you.  I think there is a synergy between tubes and the

diamond  tweeters.  In general my experience with the 802s is that I can make a lot

of other improvements that are all very much revealed.  But if I were contemplating

my next speaker upgrade I would be looking for a larger leap.  Perhaps checking

out a  Vinberg or Tidal.  

I find advice is often wanted but difficult to digest.  

Curious if your trial speakers were placed in the same location 

as your current B&W's for evaluations?