What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
Scaena1, thanks for cutting to the chase. I will be there for your demonstration.
Tbg - Given your impressive system, I look forward to meeting you and getting your impressions.I have found the Accustic Arts offers quality CD playback.
Scaena1: Were you intending to mention that Scaena Loudspeakers and Nova Physics, maker of the Memory Player, are basically the same people, i.e., Bishoff and Porzilli? I've read your contributions to this thread several times and for whatever reason, that detail does not come through.

I heard your Memory Player in the Laufer Teknics room at the Stereophile show and the sound was superb. You should really take credit for this first-rate product.
Raquel-Thanks for your kind comments. Mark Porzilli's and George Bischoff's involvement with both the Nova Physics Group and Scaena loudspeakers is well known. However, Scaena and Nova Physics are two completely independent companies with different ownerships. Neither I or Scaena Loudspeakers - the company - have any financial or other interest in Nova Physics and therefore can take no credit for the sound produced by the MP, except, of course, when exhibited with Scaena loudspeakers.