Qobuz Skipping or Short Pauses

We have a Bluesound using BluOS. Signal path is AVM 90 to Bluesound to Denafrips Venus using coax. Qobuz skips or short pauses in all masters. Very annoying. Any ideas to correct this problems  wi fi is solid to about 250 mgbs.




I only have this problem on Qobuz and it's very infrequent now

I've never had the issue on Tidal

The recommendation from Roon was to hardwire the network connections where possible and avoid wifi for best results

I know that's a band aid, compromise, inconvenient and does not fix the root cause of the problem

That said hardwiring eliminated 95% or the interruptions I was experiencing

Happy listening and enjoy the journey


Question, does it do it on Radio Paradise as well?  I have the new 2021 Node. It’s my second one because the first one did just that, but all the time and on everything.  Returned it and got another one and it can go for weeks without a problem and sometimes there are 2-5 second gaps. No rhythm or reason. For me, I’m pretty sure it’s my provider, after turning everything off counting to 5 and plugging everything back in.

All the best.


I'm not motivated enough to get to the root of my Qobuz problem because it honestly only matters for me with certain pieces of classical music, and my go-to classical streaming site is Idagio. Yeah, I did attempt to go into Qobuz settings and try to cure the problem but I couldn't get deep enough into the site to find the proper button to push. In short, I'll try to live with it.

@edcyn Check my post above and see if clearing the cache helps — there’s a link in the post to take you to the right spot in Qobuz so you don’t have to search to find it. 

soix - I followed the instructions. Did it work? I guess I’ll find out when I get a chance to cruise the Q again, as there was no indication given whether or not the cache was cleared. I’m also pretty attached to my Favorite Albums button. I don’t want to see them go.