If you have a DAC then paying for another one could be needless expense. I use a Audiolab CDT 6000, sounds very nice via Denafrips Ares 2. Of course if your DAC needs up grade buy a CD player with digital in for other sources.
Bits are bits! That is why we have the Redbook standard for CD data/playback. All devices that can output the data from a CD must conform to this standard. That is why I use a Sony universal player. Sounds perfectly fine to my golden ears! IMO spending big bucks on a transport is just burning money! |
@jasonbourne52 I agree to a point, however....the same grade fuel from the same pump, although making any engine run yields different performance. I think between different players the internal components although spitting out the same bits to a DAC or especially when converting to analog internally can yield different results. |