Schiit Freya+(Plus)

Freya+ users:

For me, sending DAC input through tube output clearly adds warmth, bloom, punch, musicality, presence.
However, when used with analog inputs (TT, FM, cassette), the tubes (current stock JJ 6SN7 supplied with the unit) sound too lush, rather over the top, sometimes frankly bloated. I mean at equal volume (not volume SETTING).

Despite balanced output to power amp, the SS buffer stage sounds inferior to pure passive mode. So it's tubes with
DAC, passive with analog, SS buffer with nothing.

Questions: (1) does my experience sound typical?
(2) should I experiment with rolling Tung-Sols or other recommended upgrade tube?
(3) does any of this bespeak some peculiarity elsewhere in the chain?

Advance thanks for diagnoses/suggestions.

I wish to seek your advice.
I was excited and went to purchase the LinlaiE6sn7. Brought my Freya + amp along. But the Linlais could not fit the sockets fully. There was a slight gap. The tubes were not flushed in. I left the shop empty handed. Darn. Any one managed to fit the E Linlai 6sn7 fully into the Freya+ sockets? If you have, pl do let me know how as I really like these tubes. 

Linlai is a new Chinese tube which I have not tried. Sounds like those you tried have the wrong base for this preamp and require an adapter. Did the shop not tell you this?

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