Does remote control degrade the sound of tube preamps?

Some preamp manufactures (e.g. CAT) don’t put remote controls in their preamps due to the supposed sound degradation. This could also be just an excuse. Do you think the sound quality is degraded with a remote? I am talking about an audible effect.


Was a long time Spectral Audio devotee. Had dmc 12 an amazing value and outstanding phono module.   At the time both models of spectral did not have remote controls based on the sound degradation pathway.   Eventually moved to the dmc 30 with remote control.   Essentially the same spectral sound .   Found most of the spectral equipment had thei house sound, the only reason I upgraded power amps was power hungry Maggie’s/ so answer is well designed circuit will not degrade sound


It is only beneficial for Focal to manufacture their own drivers if they can do it to a better quality/value mix than other OEM manufacturers.  Given Focal's production volume, this is unlikely to be the case.  Therefore if the quality of Focal drivers is truly superior to other OEMs then this is likely to drive up sharply the price of Focal speakers, making them poorer value for money.


Different use cases. I use a VAC Master preamp in a system with one source (phono stage) that is 2ch only. There’s no need for remote input switching here. Ideally, I don’t want to pay for all those extra inputs. And I absolutely hate the HT Bypass, which I’ve engaged by accident a couple times now (it’s next to and looks like the power knob with no LED indicator) to my MASSIVE displeasure, until I figured out what was wrong. Remote has Mute & Volume Up / Down, which is all I need and want, other than a "Mono" function which this preamp doesn’t have.

It’s hard enough to serve the already narrow market for a $30K preamp, then have to subdivide it further between the pure 2ch guys and family entertainment guys. VAC made what they thought was the best compromise to serve both sets of customers, without sacrificing ultimate 2ch performance.

I can suggest that the ARC Reference preamps are excellent, and provide a full-function remote.

ARC reference preamps are totally inappropriate for home theater use since they are on most of the time during the day and they have so many damn tubes. You’ll be chasing tubes every 12 months if not more.

Yeah I saw the Home theater bypass button looking really obnoxious on the front panel of vac preamp and then they don’t have a remote that’s fully functional how stupid is this?


i have just spent three years researching, designing and prototyping remote control intended for volume production.  My thesis was that it could nto only be a VERy attractive feature, but superior sonically.

The real answer is "it entirely depends on how". 

Leet's take the simplest method- a stepper motor, connected to the existing volume knob's shaft.  This will have zero impact - it mimics your hand.  So that one is 'sounds the same.

Next let's look at the traditional digital solution (e.g.: what's in your phone, mac, pc, etc). This does binary multiplication on the digital stream. Since there is truncation within the allotted 16 (or whatever) bits and no additional resolution int he DAC, this always degrades the sound. In fact at low levels the resolution falls to about 11 bits.  On the other hand the channels track perfectly and there is no additional noise,, aside from the quantization noise (which i note to keep the trolls at bay).

Next we can use a "digital potentiometer" .This is a terrible name, since they are analog and generally dual-resistor pair arrays.  Which is very good. But there are technical problems i wont delve into since they are very complex. I made tow sound really good (better than an ALPS or Nobel POT) but only at huge complexity.

Finally you can use a small embedded computer/contorller, lots of relays or analog switches, and pairs of  resistors. This is the old Mil-spec method and basically the best there is.  Old version used stepped knobs and cost the moon, both in parts and labor. They were also very clunky in many ways. But with a computer, it an be really elegant.  That is what i settled on. It makes old fashioned high end POTS sound veiled and shows thier awful tracking.  Beware there is no going back, take a deep hit and I've got oyu :-)

So the differences are very much n the details adn about 0.01% here will even understand them.  i admit i didn't fully realize what i was getting into with the potentiometer chips - such promise, and such issues.


The best solutions however are not cheap in either engineering or parts,