Ridiculous sale

Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ citing tha t you can pay that if you want to wait a year. This is a disgrace in Audiogon. Also TMR sales require you to go to their website and look for the product for information. Unfortunately the hobbiest mentality that predominated Audiogon Is being replaced by these dry, unfear actions and styles. What a shame.


I don't get why the OP and others on this thread have to lump TMR in with the would-be profiteers like the guy trying to sell the Decware.  I say "would-be" because obviously any able-minded buyer is free to ignore an insane offering price.  But why pick on TMR?  IF you can read, you can see the "View Product Details" just below the TMR logo.  Push it and it takes you directly to the product offered, with the same information that we used to see when the listing remained on the Agon site. This puts you into the TMR system if you want to purchase--which I can tell you, is a hell of a lot easier than all the crap we have to go through to buy or sell using the Audiogon system. I speak as a customer only--I'm in no way affiliated with the company. I've bought from TMR for almost as long as they've been around, and am using them to sell a lot of my stuff on consignment nowadays. They are super-thorough in going over my gear before they put it on the market, have lots of questions for me to locate missing accessories or anything else they need to make a piece ready for sale. So I have confidence when I buy from them that I'm dealing with straight shooters.  And as to the whiners who complain that they were only offered $X amount on an outright sale--use the consignment system.  They'll put it on at the price you specify--as long as its reasonable within the current market limits.  OK, I know I sound like a shill, so I'll stop now.  But these guys are some of the most trustworthy I've run into in 40 years in audio, and 22 years on Audiogon.


I guess demand impatience etc... I have a few rolexes that once I stepped out AD were worth 25% at least more... Have a sub hulk cost 8k selling now at 25k... Now that is stupid. Makes me nearly nervous to wear it...

Maybe supply chain issues improve and things return to sensible 

I paid about $3K for a basic sub about 20 years ago that is supposedly with $12K. I don't wear it if I am going into Center City Philly if I am going to be walking outside for any length of time. Sad state of affairs....

The ridiculous price on the Decware has now dropped from $4500 to $3600 - still over priced. BTW, the ad claims that the bypass cap upgrade is $400, Decware site states $250. Best to know who you are dealing with

not sure what the belly-aching is about here

in our society a seller gets to ask for a price, wishful as it may be, the market of buyers set the price

see: san francisco bay area residential real estate market

in this case, tmr is just looking for one taker, don't think they have 50 of these in inventory ... in the high end sports car business, chinese and middle eastern princelings, trust fund babies with d-l’s regularly pay up for the hot-sh*t mobile, gt3 rs's, pistas... right here right now, all the time... just remember, folks with money, folks with sense, folks with taste... are usually not the same folks 😁