@tjag The Freya+ is very good for the price as is the CODA 07x. My issue with the 07x is that it is not dead silent, like my LA4. The Freya+ if I remember correctly is almost silent, though not as detailed as the 07x. The Freya+ is definitely a tube piece that is not too tubey. The 07x is a SS piece that has the warmth of tubes, but not too much. For me the LA4 is just right.
I liked the neutral AHB2 amp with the slightly tubey Freya+. I liked the 07x and LA4 with every amp I tried with those 2.
I do not look at price anymore for audio gear. It is all a mirage. I like the Benchmark LA4 the best of all and that is $2500. I look at what works for my ears and synergy with my other gear.
BTW - tomorrow I pick up a new top end tube headphone amp. I am not sure if it will work with my 07x preamp, since it already has a preamp section, but it only has 1 source input. I have 4 sources. If the 07x does not work with this new headphone amp, I would rather use the LA4 preamp where the 07x currently resides with my 2-channel gear. Meaning I may sell the 07x.
The 07x has 2 pairs of XLR outputs for 2 sets of amps, same as the Freya+ (though 1 output may have been RCA). The LA4 has only 1 setup of XLR outputs.