Need some suggestions for a desktop amp.

I'm in need of some ideas/suggestions for a desktop amp. built in DAC would be a plus but not necessary. I used to have a Naim Untitqute driving my Harbeth P3ESR's which are very nearfield. My issue with the Naim is the large form factor which takes up a lot of space on my desk. Although the sound and functionality was great with the built in DAC and all.

The issue is, most amps with a smaller form factor made for desks are Headphone amps and not speaker amps. 

I tried a little Chinese amp but the ChiFi amp I ordered wouldn't work hooked up via USB to my iMac like it was adverstied to. So back it went.

I considered buying some Active Speakers but have never had any experience with them so not sure what direction to go. I love my little Harbeths so would like to keep them but I'm open to making a change if need be.

I'm close to pulling the trigger on a Nuprime IDA-8. However, I wanted to get others opinions first.

Thank you for your thoughts.



I’m using a PS Audio Sprout100 powering some Tannoy Autograph Minis for my office system. Plenty of power for nearfield listening, and the built-in DAC’s sound is quite good for it’s price point.

Very small form factor, and pretty cool looking integrated.

Only $799 with a nice return policy if it’s not up to par.

Thank you. I have looked at the sprout. I have a negative bias towards the Sprout and I have no reason for it. For some reason I just can’t get my head around buying the little guy.


As I began reading your original post, the first amp that came to my mind was the IDA-8. It’s great for desktop or small rooms. However, it does have its limitations. It isn’t designed to power big floorstanding speakers or low sensitivity speakers like your Harbeths in a big room because they’ll tend to be a bit thin sounding. As Mike_in_nc mentioned, it digitizes everything, so you won’t be able to use your external DAC.

Have you looked at the Omnia A300? 150w/ch with built-in streaming capability and even a headphone amp all in one package. It’s not as warm sounding as the IDA-8 yet is also not analytical sounding. I quite happily use it to power my 86dB two-ways.

I’ve bought a fair amount of Nuprime gear from John Casler (check the Nuprime Circle on the AC forum) over the years. I’ll wager you can do better than the MSRP.

