Need cdp power cord recommendations.

I am currently running a Signal Cable (designed for digital) power cord between my Wadia and a PS Audio 200. Are there other great digital power cords I might look into? thanks, Jim
Shunyata Anaconda VX. Very "right" sounding--nothing
stands out. Not brittle, punchy, tizzy, or rolled-off, just
smooth and resolute. Anaconda Alphas work well too on digital, just a trifle less smooth.
(Now replaced by Helix; never heard the Helixes.)
The new Helix version of the Shunyata Python VX gives you the same performance of the non Helix Anaconda VX.
I just bought, and am breaking in, a DCCA "The Source" power cord for my CDP based on many recommendations on here. I'll post thoughts for you next week, after I've spent some time with the cord.

i had a pleasant surprise yesterday. my friend brought over a mapleshade line cord. this line cord uses several 9 volt batteries.

i was using a voodoo cable gold dragon line cord and then switched to the mapleshade. i heard greater clarity, openness and timbral accuracy, without searing my ears.

hear this cord for yourself. i believe the line cord is priced at $900, new.

the voodoo cable is not bad either, but a touch veiled compared to the mapleshade.