No love for the REL S series anymore?

Kind of wondering what's happening. Been trying to sell a REL Storm III for 2 months now and not even getting a nibble. There's 3 of them just sitting in the FS ads and are not moving.
Used to be the REL S series of subs were hard to find and went quickly.

Has something happened to their good reputation that I'm not aware of?
The last 3 Rel storm 3s on ebay were listed at "buy it now " at $ interest/no sales...the last one that actually sold was under $500 in wood...I never said they had build issues with that sub,just said it sounded bad.Compare it to the strata 3 and u should understand,,if not enjoy.
ok - now I see the point. A quick ebay search shows 2 Storm III's have sold in the past (however long they keep the history for) 1 Storm III in Cherry veneer for $600; and 1 Storm III in Black for $400. It also shows 2 Strata III's sold for $375, $380. Since I let me A'gon bluebook subscription expire last year I can't see what they are showing there

So I stand corrected - it's been longer than I thought since I last watched these. It looks like the economy and all the new offerings have driven the prices down a bunch. Previously they were holding up pretty well.
Yea,even the B series is down.A B-3 sold on ebay the other for under $500in nice shape.IMO, the issue with the storm 3 is its flabby and slow,I think its because of the ported system unlike the Strata 3.You put it up against a great or even good subwoofer and you hear why the market is off that sub,added to the fact the newer releases from Rel are cheaper new and sound better,again my opinion.....