Thank you so every much, everyone!
Is a DC blocker like the Hum X device? If so I've got two of those and they really don't do much at all.
I'll trying tightening the screws and maybe moving the line that goes into my music room but beyond that it seems a bit scary.
On this particular line in my music room I've got other things plugged in and in the other room there are two receptacles connected to this line where a TV, amo and Amazon Firestick is plugged in.
But I get the buzz even when I unplug all unneccessary items. I have the source components plugged into a PurePower 2000 which is connected to a different receptacle in the same circuit. The amp goes into a RSA Maxim power conditioner but even if I plug strait i to the wall the buzz remains.
What's really weird is that not all amps will buzz. Maybe I should have mentioned this sooner. But more electronics have buzzed in this room.
I've got tubed headamps hum/buz, preamps emit a buzzing and even a CD transport hums. All these components taken into the room next door and they're all dead silent.
It gets a bit frustrating at times.
I've got a cheater plug laying around somewhere so I'll try that, as well.
Cheers, all.