Old school speaker in new threads

Just saw this and thought to myself that this may be cheaper alternative to offerings from JBL, Klispch and other already established brands. The brand is Magnat, from Germany.


The line has 3 speakers of similar design with a 10" woofer, a 12"woofer and a 15" woofer.

The best part is the pricing. The 10" goes for around $938.90 and up to around $1172.70 for the one with the 15" woofer. This could be a great way to get into enjoyable sound and not break the bank and have that old school, retro look. It breaks all the rules of modern speaker design, just like my JBL 4319s, which still manage to sound wonderful.

All the best,
I’ve almost purchased an older pair of Magnats on 3 different occasions but never did.  Never have even heard a pair, but the older stuff looks nice and comes up cheap on craigslist.

I think Magnat and Canton are in a contest to see who can have more models of speakers...
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Andrew Robinson did a nice review of these speakers last year. Check it out on YouTube...