How to secure a large power cord to a piece of equipment?

I have a Triode Wire Labs Digital American power cord that doesn’t seem to fit tightly into my Border Patrol DAC. It wants to significantly sag & not maintain a good connection. Any suggestions?


If you have the space, put a small wood block between the plug and the shelf below it to raise the plug up a bit. Not very inspiring when this happens. I like my power cords to fit properly.  

A couple of turns of black insulating tape, or self-fusing silicone tape.

Who knows whether to blame the socket or the connector?  The short story is that while there may be a standard, many manufacturers don't adhere precisely to it.  I've had plugs that were loose (e.g. Cardas) and plugs that were tight (e.g. Audio Envy), but that was going into different associated equipment.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. The same power cord fits very tightly into my Innuos server. I have it propped up just a bit w/ a wood block but I will also try a few turns wrapped around the connector w/ the self fusing tape too.