Lumin U1 Still Relevant??

Greetings to those "in the know,"

Is the Lumin U1 still relevant as a benchmark streamer since the introduction of the new U2 Mini? I'm in the market for a streamer, and my head is spinning! Aurender is in the mix, but I have heard mixed reviews on the N200. I'm open to any recommendation up to $7500. The U1 is approaching six years old, and I question the technology improvements we have had since then. 



We heard the 432Evo at Axpona and to put it bluntly it SUCKED. Ok show conditions but still not a good showing.

PS Audio has been building one for ages. Meanwhile they use Innous claiming that it is the best available.

There is that.

If you are a Roon head you are not dialed into "best" anyway.

If you think Lumin is/was benchmark go for it.

432 Evo has a whole load of electronics built into it that probably less than half the owners will ever use (the 432 part).  Wonder if including them in all the units affects the price...

Post removed 

I recommend people read the full Absolute Sound report and make their own mind up as to what is engineered into the unit, and how many of its features individual users might take advantage of.