Perimeter Ring Clamps: Yay?, Nay?, Sources??

I'm getting the itch for a ring clamp, i.e. Wayne's Audio. He has one that works on my JVC-Victor TT81's big tapered surround. this or the other simple one, no extra weights

Seems like a smart thing to do, mt TT81 Spinner ought to have no problem with extra weight.



Problems Encountered?


as always, thanks,



I don’t understand.

First, JP never suggested dumping Victor DD turntables. Second, in my experience the TT101 has been 100% reliable since JP repaired it. Or do you advocate dumping them because you may not be able to fit a ring?


you just don’t get my sense of humor. JP Jones name was the inspiration.

I am suggesting EVERY TT101, and EVERY Jag V12 powered XJS, ever made, be Deep Sixed!!!!

A monstrous sigh of relief.

I believe, after many years od that discussion it was Halcro who wrote:

An alternative would be to buy a TT-81 for $400 on HiFiDo and live happily ever after 😁👍

The Link is to the producer of Periphery Rings I was in communication with.

A Phosphor Bronze with custom weights produced to suit a SP10 MkII was being discussed, and was an option I could consider.

There is quite a few users of this producers products and the forum discussion about the workmanship and service is very positive.



Correct; I do not get your “sense of humor”. But I gather you followed Halcro’s advice, if that is what he wrote.  As far as I know, he is very happy with his TT101.


thanks for the reference, but both the Denon’s and JVC Victor's were flying saucer designs, have a look at my TT81

Wayne says one of his ringswill fit, hard to believe, but he should know.

What is your experience with getting it properly centered?


I think it was you and a few others that led me to the TT81 and made me aware of the potential trouble with a TT101 or 801. It was then that the 101 became synonymous with Jag V12 in my mind. (I owned and loved 1994 Jag XJS Slant 6, a wonderful car).

I am happy, remember the ’NOS" TT81 I found and thought about buying. reaction was: TT81 very reliable, plentiful, don’t worry.

I just got to page 33 or so, halcro linked his video showing TT81 maintained speed with 3 tonearms creating Stylus drag.

maybe I will finish today, 36 pages, is it a record length?