The Best of the Best Well sort of - CD players

I am researching a new digital source that is in the middle of the 'REAL' high-end range and need some advice choosing.

Here are the units I am looking at:
Esoteric DV-60 combo,
Denon 5910ci combo,
Sony SCD-1 with almost all possible mods,
Rega Saturn,

Ayre cx7e,

Oracle 2500, (this player is gorgeous)
Simaudio Moon Eclipse LE, (this player is pretty)
Wadia 861, (this player looks serious about digital as do the Meridians)

DCS (oooops can't afford this one, strike it off my list)

The top 4 are my finalist, the Ayre is not out of the game based on what I have heard and the last 3 players may me out of my price range but, I havent totaly ruled them out yet. Cosmetics and CD sound quality are important to me. Being a combo player is a nice plus- (but not the end all factor in my decision) -if you look at my current gear as I do not have an upscaling DVD player and do own loooots of DVDs and hi-res audio disc ie: SACD & DVD-A but I mainly listen to CDs on my system.)

In my player I am looking for beauty, build quality, somewhat neutral, even tonal balance, bass weight and control, detail without being to bright or clinical, PRAT, less fatigue for long listening is nice but, not a top concern, I am not super concerned with soundstage or exact imaging just so the player is not too forward or lacking in width.

I mainly listen to electronic and underground tracks from the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands
Aphex Twin, Download, Orb, Massive Attack, Kid 606, Meat Beat Manifesto, Kraftwerk, Enon, Goldfrapp, Royksopp, DJ Shadow, UNKLE, Dead Can Dance, etc. I do listen to other stuff but, this is my main gig.

Below is my current equipment:
Parasound C2
Rotel 1075 (Soon to be replaced with Parasound A-51)
- Rega Jupiter
- Marantz 8400 combo hi res
Onkyo m501 amp for rear channels
Camelot Lancelot phono stage
Music Hall MF7
Monster Hts 5600 (Looking at Shunyata Research Hydra 8)

Infinity Prelude HTS fronts and center
Artisitc Audio Mobius rears
Velodyne CHT-10 for sub (soon to be replaced with Martin Logan or JL Audio)
Polk back rear channels, I dont use these except for 7.1 movies

PS3 bluray
360 hd-dvd

Sony wega 50" A2000 sxrd 1080p

cables are audioquest, kimber, harmonic technology, jps, ixos, voodoo, etc.

Sorry this is soooo long but, I wanted to be detailed before letting this loose. So ANY suggestions would be welcome from those with similar music taste or have auditioned one or more of these players or even want to sell one. I excluded stuff from MF, Classe, Cary, Krell, Levinson, Lexicon, Meridian (The last omission is for cost mainly because I only like the expensive 808i)

Optarchie and Karelfd thanks for the input but, for now, (ha-ha) I am content with the 5910 and am amazed by the beautiful looking/sounding Raysonic.

Hi Optitron,
I also love electronic and ambient music . I have many of the groups you mention . I find a wealth of hidden information as well as creative use of dimensionality in many recordings in this genre . As the resolution of your system increases , these attributes will unearth and shower you with a kaleidoscope of mind bending sonic landscapes to entertain you . Its the reason I am so fond of the genre. Everything starts at the source. A lousy source will spit out the recording in a lifeless, one dimensional palette.
There are so many great cd players out there and there are countless threads addressing this. I wanted to shed some positive light on your comment about " wasting time " with a good cd player in this musical genre.
Oh yeah, the Raysonic is one SWEET piece of gear! Ya done good, laddie! I'm glad you "settled" for the 5910, that is one hella good DVD/CD player. Sounds like you're in the sweet spot now - DON'T MOVE an inch!!

Yes thank you Brainwater. Email me so we can exchange ideas for good software. Everything you said is soooo true and why I love the genres we listen to. Few understand how many more nuances open up in say one of Pansonic's albums with the right gear. I too felt the comment about "wasting time" on a good CDP was silly and that is why I answered with an appropriate response. (PS This member contacted me for a list of groups to check out so I must have said something that was true.)
Rlwainwright, "I will miss you the most scarecrow." I can't tell you how much it means to me to be validated for spending thousands of dollars of my hard earned cash on the right gear. Ha, Ha, Ha---That's all we need sometimes from a fellow Audiophile to make it all worth while instead of some 'you should do this or that bitch session.' How refreshing, thank you, and yes I am not moving an inch right now in the source arena just in other areas FYI now upgrading speaker cables to Voodoo Ultranlinears. I think they make great power cables from my personal experience. Hope the speaker cables live up but, I think they will. Bruce over a Voodoo is fantastic to work with. Cheers!