Power Cord suggestion(s) for Rogue Cronus Magnum III

I was lent a pair of Nordost power cords Frey (supposedly good) to try....to tell you the truth, I was underwhelmed....very SLIGHT improvement over stock supplied PC.  Consensus seems to be that replacing PC in a system makes the biggest difference over other cords????..My system: Cronus Magnum III - Sonner Legato Dual Speakers - Innuos Zenith server and Ideon Ayazi II DAC. I find the system very revealing.  I'm wondering if I have "tin" ears.  Comments/opinions on a decent pc for the Cronus is appreciated


Yes, 10% - 15% is typical. But very frequently in the category you are in, it can be worth not doing high end interconnects. Save money and apply to component upgrades. I suspect if you doubled the investment in your integrated amplifier or source components the difference in interconnects and cables will become much more profound. Systems are like scientific instruments… the better they get the more sensitive they are. No reason to waste money on stuff that does not increase your musical experience.


When starting out there a lot of ambiguity in what you sense. As your experience and quality of your gear improves the ancillary stuff will make larger and larger differences. Consider yourself lucky for now. Enjoy your system and then if you choose to upgrade your system… recheck to see how much cables etc make a difference.


After trying a couple others without much luck, I put one of these on my Rogue Cronus Magnum and it made a very nice improvement. 


Thks Bajaed.....over the years,  I've heard good things about Triode Wire, so I ordered their best PC.....I'll get back to you guys after it arrives and I get a chance to audition