Looking for advice re: amps for Dynaudio Contour 20i

Hello all. This might be a huge mistake (I don't want to start an internet war), but I find reviews to be less than perfect. Can anyone who actually has Dynaudio Contour 20s or 20is offer any advice on a good amp to pair with them? My budget is $5-$6k. My primary concern is imaging, I am current using a Marantz Model 30 and SACD 30n. 


Thanks IslandManDan. That's what I'm thinking. I just can't decide whether to spend the $5-6k on a refurbed statement level classic, or go with something like a Levinson 5805 (or maybe used 585). 

I own Dynaudio Heritage but I have a Contour Ci center. All three being driven by Simaudio M400 mono amps. Outstanding.

This is the two channel version of the 400ms I own. It would be an excellent match. 330A. Class A first five watts..

Check Simaudio website.



Dynaudio need a powerful amp and they sound their best at higher volumes. 
I owned the S5.4 and drove them with Pass Labs X250.5. I also tried Rogue ST100 but the bigger Pass amp was better at opening them up. 

Dynaudio is the US importer of Octave, and for good reason.  The two brands show together and sound incredible together.  Dyns can be a bit harder to drive so you need a black box or super black box with them but the results are going to be very, very good.

Alternatively, Hegel is a good choice with Dyn.  Clean and clear with speakers that are clean and clear.  Good combination.