Someone earlier mentioned mains feed heat buildup. So I measure it.
My system is 715 wpc fed from a single 20A /12ga cct. Three bottle rocket amps account for 25% of the power, so average draw is larger than if all SS. Class A would be worse, but Class A power transformers negate the issue as we shall see.
After three hours of robust pop program, temperature rise on the 12ga cct was 2.9°C measured inside the yellow sheath with a T thermcouple. The really bad news is that over the 20 foot run, the resistance increase is a whopping 51mΩ or 0.051Ω for the non-technical types. This is added to the 20°C value of 32mΩ. The good news is the power transformer internal resistance also rises 1 - 2% or much more than the line feeding it. Calculated improvement in self-heating for 10ga is about 30mΩ, less than the PT and less than the connections from the power line to the transformer winding!
For those posting fancy graphs of diode current, those are steady state loads. Music current draw bears no relation to those graphs.
Spend all the money you want on overkill wiring. It will do no more for the sonics than a fancy faceplate or blue LEDs.
Sonic improvements can be achieved by ensuring that all connections from the utility input to amplifiers are pristine. Inspect and cycle all power plugs every six months.