Up to $4000US tower speakers for Jazz and Classical Music

Hello All!

My wife and I are musicians who happen to also love listening to music! Last 3 years we have used a pair of Q acoustics Concept 40 tower speakers powered (now) by and Audiolab 6000A integrated. We listen to 90% of our music on CDs (Audiolab CD transport) or vinyls (Audiotechnica turntable). Mostly jazz and classical music in our roughly 53 square meters (550 sq ft) living room. Some other speakers came and went but we have so far liked the Q acoustics more than any other. We like their honesty with a tinge of warmness, but they are also engaging, open sounding, dynamic, airy! We love how chamber music sounds on them: string quartets, piano trios (jazz or classical), voices, big bands, etc... but we do miss a bit of that lower octave the Q acoustics simply don't have. A friend lent me a pair of Elac Adante AS-61 but did no like them much. lots of transient attack (which was good for percussion instruments) but it somehow changed the color/timbre of other instruments. I work also as a mixing engineer and have a pair of Neumann KH310 monitors in my treated room so I can say I'm picky with sound. Of course we don't want the analytical sound of the Neumanns in our living room (completely different beasts) but we want speakers to still be honest, but engaging, open, dynamic, airy. We are looking for a pair of tower speakers around $4000 that will provide us with a more believable orchestral crescendo, pianissimo, fortissimo, and that lower octave of a double bass the Concept 40s can't provide (by the way, we don't want a sub; tried several and simply did not like the overall presentation). We are looking at possibilities in Crutchfield, Music Direct or Amazon in case we need to return them (we live in the countryside and can't audition any speakers nowhere near!). Our list includes: Klipsch Forte III, Definitive Technology Demand D17, Kef R7, JBL HDI-3800, Dali Opticon 8MK2, Revel F206 and B&W 703 S2 or 704 S2. They will have to be efficient as the Audiolab does not have a ton of power! Any suggestions, greatly appreciated!! Thanks!


Check out Spatial Audio Lab. I'm not familiar with the Q accoustics to tell you how they compare with the things that you like about those, but I really love my M5 sapphire models. They are open baffle speakers so placement is important, but if you have the space to situate them they are pretty special in my opinion. Maybe I just don't have the experience with other speakers but I really think you might be hard pressed to find a box speaker in the same price range that could best the quality (if not quantity) of bass. Reviews are few but Steve Gutenbergs channel has one as does "new record day"

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The Tekton Electron SE's have what you are looking for.  They have the "open, airy, detailed" qualities you are looking for yet have a very potent low end for full scale orchestral works.  Dual 8" SB Acoustic woofers/ported design can move plenty of air-no subs needed.  They will be well under your budget  and I can't imagine you being disappointed or returning these speakers,  The Double Impacts would also fit the bill--even more dynamic.  But they are BIG speakers and can dominate a room visually speaking. The Electron SE's are quite a bit smaller and may go even lower or at least as low in the bass.

Ignore the Tekton bashers on this site.  They are hell bent on hate and have nothing helpful to offer.

I also listen to a lot of classical (and jazz).

I would encourage you to check out open baffle speakers.

Spatial Audio speakers are highly regarded, as @81m800m800m suggested.

I’m not familiar with all their models, but the ones I have heard are excellent.

I have Emerald Physics 2.8 open baffle speakers in my system, and while OB speakers fill a room differently than a "box" speaker, they are something to behold. Absolutely exceptional for classical. I’m not sure I could ever go back to a traditional "box" design, to be honest.

I also have a pair of Tektons (Enzo XL’s w/ Be tweeters), so I am familiar with their design and line-up. Not a bad speaker, but again, OB speakers are hard to beat (at least for what I am looking for out of my system). This is predicated that you have the space to position them and the room to allow them to "breathe" (which it sounds like you do).