Thanks for you comments. I had the lid off today and see that the Sony transport looks like the flimsy type you would see in any old player. AA have mounted it on some rubber standoffs but other than that it looks pretty average. It's surprising that the Prestige sounds so very, very good but I suppose the secrets in the Anagram module. I put a CD laser cleaning disk in the player but it did nothing. Whilst it was playing up I gently poked around with a plastic stick on PCB's and connectors but no difference. I cleaned the laser with some alcohol/water solution and a barely damp cotton bud and the sonics seemed a little better. But I had to go out before I could see if it was stil acting up. One thing I couldn't see was any type label on the transport/laser. I might have to unscrew a few bits. I have read just about every word on the net about the AA and even studied the theory and practise of the mechanism. The laser assembly mentioned by Masilu seems to be readily available ex China and elsewhere (even here in Australia). Whilst carefully cleaning the laser I was surprised by how flexibly it is mounted and I can see it moving around as it focusses etc. No I didn't stare into the beam. Anyway, I'll post any success I have.