Politics and Music

The Trumpets of Jericho

Beethoven and Napoleon 

Wagner and the Nazis

"Ohio" and the Vietnam War

"Imagine" and consumerism 

The Dixie Chicks 

Countless examples illustrate the intersection of Music and Politics. Jerry Garcia referenced his group as "just a dance band." Always pondered how we react to our choices of music. Divorce it entirely from the controversies of the day and merely enjoy the artistry or allow it to change the way in which we view the world. Transformative, escapism, nostalgia, intellectual profundity, cultural discovery. Large questions. Your thoughts?


@bondmanp Looking to entertainers for serious thoughts on political issues is like asking your accountant how to fix your boiler. 

Quite so. 

Carefully worded to include all manner of superficial vox pop by artists (broadly defined), despite their disciples cringing enthusiasm over their relentless superficial dribble.

If present-day Russia claims, for example, Tchaikovsky as a "national treasure", then under present circumstances it makes sense not to perform him at the moment.  Nothing against Piotr, everything against his appropriation.  Perhaps though, a suitably contextualized performance of some Shostakovich might make the opposite point.

If present-day Russia claims, for example, Tchaikovsky as a "national treasure", then under present circumstances it makes sense not to perform him at the moment. 

And what exactly would that achieve?

As usual, many different opinions here.  As always when the topic is music, the form is so much larger than the locus of all of our musings.  Things to keep in mind:

Political and philosophical do not always mean the same thing.

Artists (and accountants) are people, not their profession.  A musician can have an informed opinion, and an accountant could be an ex-plumber that put herself through college with her hands.

Limiting your sphere of investigation places limits on yourself only.

Blanket statements are often used to cover the ignorance of the speaker.

IF you want a small laugh (perhaps needed after threads like this) checkout Johnny Cash: song, the one on the left is on the right.


The Who's "Join Together" also states:

"Do you really think I care What you eat or what you wear Won't you join together with the band There's a million ways to laugh Ev'ry one's a path"


But these were at a time when people were more sane, before politics invaded even medical journals...