Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim?

I onws a CDSE se and DC2 se, but I as I don´t have not one SACD disc, I want to buy one only CD player, I has heard Naim 555, very very good, also the same for MBL, but not heard new Nagra, and it seems that the Reimyo is not made more. I will be pleased to know which are your options if money is not object. Also I heard tha Horch from Germany is very good, but it´s imposible to hear. Thanks
You may want to try the ARC ref 3 I believe it is; it listed for around 10g usd. I listened to one awhile back and as a redbook only player it is very good. You might want to consider the dcs stack if seperates are your thing.

The ARC Ref 3 is a preamp. You probably either meant the older ARC Ref CD-7 which lits for $8995.

If money wasn't an object, I'd probably check out the APL NWO 2.5, which I believe sells for a cool $25K.

Accustic Arts transport and dac with a Verdig Sextet cable is a top contender at approximately $16,000.

Yup, it was the reference cd7 just as you mentioned. Nice player but would not buy one as I would prefer a universal player instead. My modded Sony comes to mind. I heard it through the reference three.

At the same list price of the single box APL NWO 2.5T -- which is a heavily modified TEAC UX-1 or X-01, you can also buy the newest twin box player from TEAC: the P03/D03. I have auditioned it a couple of times already, and it is a stunningly sounding unit.