Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim?

I onws a CDSE se and DC2 se, but I as I don´t have not one SACD disc, I want to buy one only CD player, I has heard Naim 555, very very good, also the same for MBL, but not heard new Nagra, and it seems that the Reimyo is not made more. I will be pleased to know which are your options if money is not object. Also I heard tha Horch from Germany is very good, but it´s imposible to hear. Thanks
As far as I know, one of the best was Zanden transport/DAC.
It seems that Metronome Kalista Ref is a fraction better. I had a unique chance to listen and compare both at one place. If I will go for money no object I will pick up Kalista. It is just fantastic in all ways
Get a Esoteric X-01 D2 、 a G-0RB and a Mexcel DA-6100 BNC
Rent a temperature and humidity controlled storage and store all your Vinyls in it.
Vantagechile, I had a Jadis. It is a classic, in my opinion, and looks great,but there are several better transports.