Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim?

I onws a CDSE se and DC2 se, but I as I don´t have not one SACD disc, I want to buy one only CD player, I has heard Naim 555, very very good, also the same for MBL, but not heard new Nagra, and it seems that the Reimyo is not made more. I will be pleased to know which are your options if money is not object. Also I heard tha Horch from Germany is very good, but it´s imposible to hear. Thanks
Vantagechile, I had a Jadis. It is a classic, in my opinion, and looks great,but there are several better transports.
Ι think that the best cd player money can buy today is the EMM LABS CDSA or Combo if you need a preamp.IMHO.


so many suggestions. a new CD player is the hardest decision, or is it cables! too many choices there as well. ; )

i don't know what is the best CD Player out there, but this guy i know of from another board is pretty hard core audiophile and he would say it is the APL NWO 3.0GO. His review of that player was recently posted on the APL website forum (see below).
The Bow Technologies ZZ Eight, 2007 edition.

From experience of ownership (its my current CD player), i can now positively suggest this particular machine.