Do headphones requiere break-in?

Hi all! I just got a set of Grados SR60i headphones following some very good reviews about them, but I not happy with their sound: dark sound, rolled-off highs, bass wimpy, but the mids are ok. Do they need some break-in time to sound at their best? If so about how much time? Thanks!
Yes, same for Sennheisers. Huge difference as they open up, especially highs.

What Nglazer said. I almost sent back my Sennheiser 650's because they sounded horrible when brand new. Like your Grado's, no bass or highs. Then they just opened up and sound glorious with hours on them.
Give them some time, they'll come around.
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Hi Tiofelon

From perusing threads in HeadFi various headphones do benefit from break-in according to the users there. With each set of cans it is different. I say give it about 50 to 100 hours. There is a video on youtube of 12 hours of white noise. I've used that to break-in my headphones when I'm away from the computer.