Is the Walker LP system necessary if one already uses a good RCM?

Before buying my beloved Keith Monks RCM, I asked BetterRecords what they used. I learned that they use the KM RCM followed by the Walker system.

Walker is not expensive but seems like a major hassle.

Currently, it takes me about a minute and a half to well clean a record.

Is the Walker system necessary? Will it make a difference?



On the Elusive Disc site it says regarding the Walker cleaning fluids:

Availability: Discontinued


If you’re into multi-step procedures, look at Audio Intelligent. 2 cleaners and a rinse. I’ve used it on reasonably clean records and it’s good, but I also like the AI #6 one step. Works absolutely fine, but I don’t buy flea-market trashed records. 

Lloyd died recently. I used the 3, and then 4 step, Walker products-really liked his unidirectional applicator-- for quite a while, but switched years ago to AIVS #15 and a pure water rinse. I could not tell the difference. I use a big Monks Omni plus ultrasonic.