I have a Parasound A-21 Halo amplifier,which is very respectable sounding
My brother brought his Pass labs 350.5 over and it is just so much better
The speakers are very balanced even a power cord change was clearly apparent, and with digital the Bryston bdp player to the Nad-M-51 dac
presents what was recorded running Hirez down loads or flac files
The warmer presentation of the Pass gives it a you are there presentation
Not in your face but like in a club and you are sitting near the performance.
I am looking to buy either the Pass labs or Plinius 301 amplifier which is a
Great amplifier.the speakers are in noway outclassed by these great amplifiers it just allows the loudspeakers to portray better what is on the recordings. The extra refinement that the Pendragon -SE gives just
Makes everything more refined downstream especially in inner detail
And resolution.the regular Pendragons will play louder.if I am hitting peaks
Approaching 100 db with no strain short term get. SPL meter that is LOUD,you truly will do deaf
With consistent output levels over 90 db this is something all
audiophiles should consider p.s the speakers will continue to refine for
Another week or so .
My brother brought his Pass labs 350.5 over and it is just so much better
The speakers are very balanced even a power cord change was clearly apparent, and with digital the Bryston bdp player to the Nad-M-51 dac
presents what was recorded running Hirez down loads or flac files
The warmer presentation of the Pass gives it a you are there presentation
Not in your face but like in a club and you are sitting near the performance.
I am looking to buy either the Pass labs or Plinius 301 amplifier which is a
Great amplifier.the speakers are in noway outclassed by these great amplifiers it just allows the loudspeakers to portray better what is on the recordings. The extra refinement that the Pendragon -SE gives just
Makes everything more refined downstream especially in inner detail
And resolution.the regular Pendragons will play louder.if I am hitting peaks
Approaching 100 db with no strain short term get. SPL meter that is LOUD,you truly will do deaf
With consistent output levels over 90 db this is something all
audiophiles should consider p.s the speakers will continue to refine for
Another week or so .