The review wehave been promising is up


that's cuz nobody will buy anything from him when they meet him and talk to him LOL

I you're an "audio intellect" (a nonsensical term) you might try to develop punctuation skills along with realizing the obvious ethical issues there are in using this forum to hawk the crap you sell. Again, lame.

Audiotroy is no different than a tas or stereophile reviewer. Have you ever read a post from audiotroy on a product they sell or a review from tas/stereophile that wasn’t the best product ever made? I gave up on the trade mags for this very reason, not every product  reviewed is the best of the best.

Same goes for audiotroy, of course what they sell is always going to be the best, but they shouldn’t be able to try selling their goods in agon forums like this and they do all the time.

Troy at least makes no bones about the fact that he is a salesman.  I prefer that to others who shill for a product and don’t reveal that they have a financial interest.  MC, anyone? And Troy occasionally puts in a good word for products that he doesn’t sell.

  I stopped reading TAS when they became shameless hucksters for MQA


audio Troy we don't want any of your shameless advertising to push your products on here this is for people to give their comments about thing ...

There's nothing in the A'gon TOS that prevents dealers, distributors, or manufacturers from posting here. In fact, many do, and Audiotroy is among those who identify themselves accordingly. So I don't understand your complaint or for whom you pretend to speak.