The review wehave been promising is up


Hey... although I agree with almost everything said above... let me remind everyone that Salesmen are an internal part of the equation of Life. Like it or Not...

Sharks, Cops, Engineers, Lawyers, Skunks, Politicians, Snakes, Spiders,Salesmen etc, etc... they all are important, necessary and should be valued.

There is not one person here who does not owe their work existence, in some part, to a Salesman... not one. 

Rant over, now go listen to some music (that you bought from some Salesman, whether you realize it or not).

Or better yet a Sales Engineer.

that you bought from some Salesman, whether you realize it or not).



All I ever see from @audiotroy are infomercials.

If you think he doesn't belong here you should take your complaint to the moderators, @ozzy62.  As it stands, it looks to me like @audiotroy is posting well within the forum's rules.