I can tell you without reservation that the SE version is not just another plain Jane speaker.I have heard the Pendragon on several occasions
And the dynamics in the -SE version is still there in spades,for the Xover
Is very similar therefore the drivers are the main difference .the standard
Pendragon cabinet is a little bigger so the bass does go a bit lower.
With the -SE version the soundstage is Huge If I am sitting at the opposite side of the room I can still Clearly hear what is going on with the other
Speaker the separation of instruments ,imaging,and image depth is better
With h -SE model that is what the moe precision drivers bring to the table.
The regular Pendragon can play a bit louder ,putting things in perspective
108 db is deafening and permenent hearing loss is a Guarantee if you
Listen at this level for more then a minute or two, like a jackhammer
In your living room That us how loud the -SE can play . This is the difference.one more thing .my uncle is a technician ,I recently just upgraded the Xover to the Duelund resistors ,the Hot Jupiter flat stack
Capacitors which are Very natural sounding and in some ways better then the Mundorf silver oil caps which I have used many times.
This brings the -SE to another level still .when I turn it up you are there
With all the. Finess dynamics and clarity. You will have to spend several times what these speakers cost to beat them.my brothers B&W 802 Diamonds are better in some areas but not in soundstage width.
The only way I would sell my speakers would be if my brother buys the
B&w 800 , the 802 is that good But at a huge price difference.
Tekton speakers in general are a excellent value.